Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Father With a Mother's Heart

Thanks to Morgan Hildebrand for allowing me to use her chick photos from Priority Ranch, Stafford, KS
Check out her blog, Priority Ranch and see more photos of the chickens and other animals they raise on their farm.

... How often I have longed to gather your children together,
 as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings ...
Matthew 23: 37

The animal kingdom at our farm doesn't include hens and chicks. But as I read those words from Matthew 23, I think back to my grandparents' farm. Each spring, they would purchase baby chicks and put them under heat lamps in the brooder house until they grew big enough to survive without the extra pampering. When I was a child, I loved seeing those little balls of yellow fluff huddled together. I loved touching their downy feathers. They weren't nearly as cute when they grew up to be hens, and we had to move them out of the way to get to the eggs in the hen house.
Photo by Morgan Hildebrand, Priority Ranch
But even as I remember the pecking and racket of the hen house, I think about it a little differently now as a mother and grandmother - and I as read the words from Matthew. 

While most often we hear about "God the Father," the Matthew 23 verse gives us that maternal essence of God.
The birthing process is God’s idea. He’s maternally given birth to the universe, birth to our planet, and birth to us. Most importantly He’s given us re-birth. Simply stated, He is Father God with a mother’s heart. Waiting to wipe every tear; sitting up with us through the night; and listening to our troubles—solving them while we are yet speaking. 
Christian Author Susan Watkins
Each year, I am mystified by motherhood as we work with our cow/calf herd on our South Central Kansas farm. When we move the cow/calf pairs to different corrals or pastures, we separate the mamas and their babies to keep the babies (and the humans) safe.

The mamas don't realize we are doing it for a purpose. They protest - LOUDLY - when they are on one side of a fence ... and their babies are on another.
They bellow at the barn because they know their babies went that direction on the way to the trailer. Then they move the protest to the fence and watch as the trailer leaves them behind.
It's always amazing to me when it's time for the mamas and babies to reunite. The babies barrel out of the trailer in search of their mamas. 
It doesn't take long before the "lost" is again found by each mama and welcomed home for a nuzzle and a snack.
And isn't that how God seeks us? Our Heavenly Father has a mother's heart.

He seeks us when we're lost. (Luke 15: 3-6). He numbers the hairs on our heads (Luke 12: 6-8). He rejoices over us. His thoughts about us outnumber the grains of sand (Psalm 139). Isn't that just like a mother?

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and to my daughter. (She did the important job of making me a grandma. It's a pretty wonderful job description! I think there's a little Grandma in our Father God, too!)

Be sure and check out Morgan Hildebrand's blog, Priority Ranch. Again, I thank her for allowing me to use her chick photos. We have our share of cattle and cats here on our farm, but you'll want to see the menagerie of animals that live at Priority Ranch and the people who care for them. Click on the link to "visit."


To celebrate Mother's Day, try these quick bread recipes for a tasty start to the day:


  1. Ok, so I feel kind of silly but I must tell you, Kim, your message made me want to cry. In fact, a few tears did fall. There was just something about the demeanor of those mamma cows and their calves when they were separated that just tugged at my heart. It is such a great picture not only of us as human mammas with our little ones (and big ones) but Father God's mothering heart. What a blessing. Thank you. Edna

    1. Thanks, Edna! I really appreciate your taking time to comment and let me know you liked it. I got to watch it happen yet again this morning as we moved pairs to two different pastures. It's a miracle every time. Happy Mother's Day!

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